Ionisation Potential | Ionisation Energy | Ionisation Enthalpy

(i) It's the minimum energy required to remove the last electron from isolated gasious atom in its ground state, it is the character of metals.
This concept is having Enthalpy change = positive (Endothermic) always.

Ionisation Potential - Related to voltage
Ionisation Enthalpy - Related to heat

(ii) Successive Ionization Energy :

(a) For an atom Successive ionization energies are -
Ionisation Energy

(b) Electron can not be removed from solid state of an atom, it has to be convert into gaseous form, energy required for conversion from solid state to gasious state called as Sublimation Energy. 
(c) Ionization energy is always endothermic process.
(d) It is measured in electron volt-per atom or kilo-calorie-per mole or kilo joule-per mole.

Factors affecting Ionisation energy :

(i) Effective nuclear charge (Zeffective)

Ionisation Energy and zeffective

(ii) Stability of half filled and full filled orbitals :
Half filled p³, d⁵, f⁷ or fully filled p⁶, d¹⁰, f¹⁴ are more stanle than ithers so it requires more energy to eject electrons.
